Saturday, September 26, 2009

Exhale. :: wheeze ::


Exhale. :: wheeze ::

So, I have pneumonia. After 5 days of hacking, coughing up nothing, gagging, and having difficulties breathing, my boss begged me to go find a doctor. Literally.

I guess it was the 7th exclamation point that drove me over the edge to finally go get checked out.

I got a new job the end of June and have been non-stop working, traveling (mainly for work) a lot lately, and overall just had a pretty stressful summer. And God forbid I actually stay home and do nothing on a weekend, so I guess my body finally told me, "Fuck you." Matt's out of town right now, and since I'm stuck on a couch all weekend, I figure this would be a good opportunity to catch up on my correspondence.

So some major good new news is that Matt sold his condo and he and his dog, Zoe, will be moving into my place next month!!! We currently have a 45 min. commute every time we want to see each other, so needless to say our quality of life all around will be a lot better. No one told me that one of the benefits of moving in together is that I would be getting better cable? And Matt's cleaning lady said she'll make the drive to clean my place now. And my dad sent me an article entitled, "5 financial rules for shackin' up," so I think I got his as much his full support as his Catholic heart could give me. And I'll take it.

Movin' in self portrait!