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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Hi, my name is Megan. My hobbies currently include hacking, wheezing, laughing and then immediately hacking, annoying co-workers by coughing and if they complain, I lean over and directly cough in their face.
So, I feel the need to brag about this because, well, I didn't win a prize, but I scored 16 out of 20 correct on the Oscars test. SHA-ZAM! All I won was the semi-smugish respect of my peers at the party so now I feel the need to let YOU all know, so you can also be like, "Dang, I didn't know Megs was so into movies." Well, JOKES ON YOU because I only saw like, 3 of the movies on the ballot and that included "The Devil Wears Prada," which, come'n, was one step above having "Big Momma's House" on the ballot. Now if you'll excuse me, I have germs to spread. Sunday, February 25, 2007
Friday night I went out with D again - he's a really nice, chill guy to hang out and drink beers with. I am currently sick and shouldn't of gone out, but when Friday rolls around I feel like a caged animal. No matter what state I'm in, as long as I can walk, I will be out somewhere. I rolled home at around 1:30 and didn't do much on Saturday - just watched girly movies like "The Devil Wears Prada." That's one good thing about being single - you never have to give a shit about what someone else wants to watch. This is slightly embarrassing when people see what I have on my TiVo, unfortunately. "The Real Housewives of Orange County?" Ummmmm. Wally is REALLY into that show.
Tonight, The Rockers are throwing an Oscar party. I need to figure out what I'm bringing over. Saturday, February 24, 2007
i'b sick.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Today for Lent, I'm giving up Diet Cherry 7Up. Oh, and boys who claim to be my friends but really end up to be fuckin' jag offs. I could really stand to give you up.
:: wipes hands clean :: Wednesday, February 21, 2007
It is hotter than balls in my office.
Giant, sweaty balls. Like, elephantitis-inflicted balls. Sweating.
Ho, ho, ho, it's Lent. I mean, wait.
So, this is the time of year where Catholics are told to give something up for 40 days and 40 nights to symbolize something about Jesus, fasting, and then voila, it's Easter and we eat ham. Seriously, this is what I remember from 13 years of Catholic education (including Kindergarten and college). All I know is, I've never made it the full 40 days giving something up in my entire life. So this year will probably be like every other year, where the only thing I do is try to eat fish on Fridays. I already accidentally ate Chicken Teriyaki for lunch today, so I already fucked it up. Sorry to let you down (again), God. Your loving lamb, Megan Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I've always had blonde hair. It's been "enhanced" a bit since I was a kid, but it has always been blonde. I received a gift certificate to some schmancy salon for Christmas from my boss and am thinking of putting some darker lowlights in my hair. I mentioned this idea to Thode while I was visiting her in NY, and I believe her exact quote was, "Oh. :: laugh :: That doesn't sound good at all." Peh - what does SHE know anyway? ;)
So I'm turning my head over to you guys - what do YOU think? Is this the worst idea ever? Sunday, February 18, 2007
Back from skiing the mountainous terrain of Wisconsin.
![]() As you can tell from my perfectly mismatched ski outfit, I only go skiing once every three years or so. And I'm proud to say that I only fell once. In front of a bunch of 8-year-olds at the t-rope. ![]() Conquistadora of the bunny hill. Thursday, February 15, 2007
I'm going skiing this weekend with friends in Wisconsin and taking Friday day off of work. Pictures to follow. Maybe.
By popular demand (a whopping 3 people asked for it), here is my famous Buffalo Chicken Wing Dip recipe. Whenever I make this, people seem to love it and ask for the recipe. It's ridiculously easy to make. SO EAT IT.
Buffalo Chicken Wing Dip 2 chicken breasts - cooked & shredded 1 package cream cheese (8 oz.) 1 small bottle Blue Cheese (or Ranch) dressing Hot sauce, to taste (I use Frank's Original Hot Sauce - lots) ~ 2 cups shredded Colby Jack cheese Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a square baking dish. Put cooked, shredded chicken and package of cream cheese in bowl. Mix well until chicken is fully mixed with cream cheese. Spread across bottom of baking dish. Cover in a thin layer of blue cheese (or ranch) dressing. Sprinkle hot sauce on top of blue cheese dressing (go heavy if you like it hot). Cover entire mixture in a layer of Colby Jack cheese. Bake 15-20 minutes or until heated through and bubbly at the edges. I put it in a separate dish and serve with tortilla chips. You can also serve it with cold celery sticks if you *must* have something green or healthy (boooo). Otherwise, stick to the chips. Mmmmmm.... Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!
And thanks for the kick in the balls, Mother Nature. Love, Megan Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Snow Day! I am a fan.
Last night, I went out with my friend, Dan, and we ended up in Hammond, IN, at the Horseshoe Casino. Because it's logical to drive to a different state during an impending snow storm. I'm sure if weather-related circumstances prevented us from leaving, we could've cuddled up to some near-homeless gentleman who just bet his last $5 and would've been fine. You know, with the free buffet for "Players Members" and all. I may tease, but nights like those are ridiculously fun. Monday, February 12, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Weekend was good - Friday night, I didn't really make any plans and I was glad I hadn't because Mr. and Mrs. Rocker invited me out to hear (and meet) their friends, the Damnwells, who were playing at The Metro. They sounded great and they're really nice to boot. We drank their vodka and shot the shit with them until it was time for us to leave.
Saturday, I drove to Michigan because my friend, Kat, was throwing a party. It might initially sound crazy that I would drive through 3 states for a party (although I once flew to Jersey for a party), but once the hostess told me a hot tub in below 20 degree weather was involved, I was in. For the record, you can fit 8 people in what's normally a 4 person hot tub. Capacity be damned! Her friends are really nice and I may have told a few of them about my blog - so if you found it - hi! Tonight, I made my famous buffalo chicken wing dip and headed over with The Rockers to Brad & Carly's house for a little Grammy action. I felt a little silly with my dip after they prepared an amazing 3-course meal for us. Normally, I eat a Lean Cuisine for dinner, so I was very appreciative to have many a'delicious appetizers, followed by a nice salad with a blue cheese, dried cherries, and a homemade vinegarette along with a flank steak stuffed with fontina, proscuitto and basil...oh my god, I'm drooling. Tell me about your weekends! Thursday, February 08, 2007
Betty Rocker and I went to see Lily Allen at the Metro tonight. She's just so damn cute. Almost cartoonish in a way. They should just put a photo of her on "Cute Overload" and have her compete against hedgehogs or something. She's like the cutest puppy that you've ever seen that you just want to snuggle and then eat.
I want to eat Lily Allen. Ok, that didn't come out right. Anyway, she was fun and cute and fabulous...you get the point. I don't know what my favorite part was - the part where she told George W. Bush to "eat her pussy" or the when she introduced the song, "Not Big" and said, "This song is about small dicks! They're everso present, aren't they?" to a roar of cheers. She's not very shy, is she? ![]() How do we say this delicately? I don't know if Seattle Sutton is available nationally or not, but basically, it's a service that prepares a full week's worth of meals for busy people who want to lose weight (or simply want to eat healthy). All I know is, if it causes me to LOOK like Seattle Sutton, count me out. And don't give me that "Awwww," I know you were thinkin' it, too. Wednesday, February 07, 2007
And here is your Sheboygan Drunk of the Week.
"The officer then asked if he knew his alphabet — part of a standard field sobriety test — and Houseye answered “sometimes,” before failing to recite it."
Dear Greater Chicagoland area,
I know we haven't had snow in a while, but yesterday, we really didn't have THAT much. There was really no excuse for you all to drive like jackasses and for it to take me 2 hours to get home from work. Get your shit together. Love, Megs Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Monday, February 05, 2007
This song goes out to every dickhead I've ever dated.
How much do we love Lily Allen? Her SNL appearance was lovely. Any girl with lyrics "When you first left me, I was wanting more, but you were fucking that girl next door. Whatd'ja do that for?" and can sing it as pretty as she does is a-ok in my book. She's coming to the Metro on Thursday. Yes!
I went on a date this weekend with a guy (read: ass clown) who actually said to me, "You know you're hot, right? But you'd be like, off-the-charts hot if you went to the gym. You know, maybe I don't want you going to the gym because then you'd get so hot that you'd leave me."
The next time he calls, I'm going to ignore it and just send a text message that just reads: "Sorry, I just crossed that threshold where I'm too hot for you now. Get therapy."
![]() Wisconsin, we can hear you chanting "The Bears Still Suck" from here. That's not very nice. To top it off, it's -11 degrees outside right now, and the ads were mainly horrendous. Pass the Prozac, please. On an upbeat note, Prince (despite the Aunt Jemima do rag and all) and my buffalo chicken hot wing dip was FABulous. Friday, February 02, 2007
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Did anyone happen to catch "30 Rock" tonight? Sheer fucking genius. Paul Rubens, I applaud thee. I'll try to find a clip to throw up on here.
UPDATE! The tampon machine burgler has been caught in Sheboygan. Thank GOD that riff raff is off of the streets.
A new guy started at work. He's very good looking, seems to have a good sense of humor, and most importantly, sits directly across from me. Thank you, sweet Jesus. More on this later. In other news, it was Bob's birthday on Tuesday. According to his MySpace page, he just turned 38, but in reality, he just turned 43. Hilarious. I'm taking him out for dinner at some point, since that's how nice of an ex I am. Don't you want to break up with me, too? Don't answer that. |