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Friday, April 29, 2005
Heading to St. Louie today for work...I'll be back tomorrow night. I've never been there before - so if I have time, I'll do the Arch, which sounds more like a dance move than a structure built by Eero Saarinen to honor Western pioneers. Which is basically honoring that dude on Venice Beach's forefathers who was singing "Daylight come and me wanna get drunk."
I WILL find this Spirit in St. Louis. Mark my words, Eero Saarinen. I will find it and it will be mine. Clearly I'm drunk off of the power of winning a $1.50 in poker last night. Thursday, April 28, 2005
I played poker for the first time tonight and won $1.50.
Last night, Fire Eater Coaster Boy (FECB) and I were talking about if he could travel with his fire eating kit. It should've been obvious to me (since they don't allow plastic knives on planes these days) but he said he couldn't bring his kit with him on a plane, nor could he ship it due to the flammable nature. (Duh, Megan.) He said he'd just have to buy a fire eating kit wherever he traveled to. He then said, "All I'd need is just some Kerosene and barbeque skewers."
The man is the McGuyver of fire eating. Tuesday, April 26, 2005
I made the mistake of allowing the sun touch certain parts of my skin for about 3 hours with no sunscreen. Here is the frightening result. If there's ever a "worst sunburn" contest, I will kick your ass everytime. The funny thing is, you can actually tell where I applied sunscreen and where I clearly missed.
Hott and Ow. Please refrain from the skin cancer or wrinkle comments since I've already heard them all, and am carefully mapping out where on my face on where I will need botox injected. I hate being pale. Monday, April 25, 2005
Back from my trip out west...
Here are highlights and photos (see: links) formatted for her pleasure: - First song that came on in the rented PT Cruiser (yes.) was a Dr. Dre song. I knew from that moment that Dre himself had blessed our trip. And it was good. - Went to a taping of "American Idol" with Thode & our friend, Laura and her pals. - The funny thing is, none of us even watch "American Idol." - Ryan Seacrest looks even more freakish in real life. I didn't think that was possible. - That night, Mr. Seacrest was inducted into the Hollywood Walk of Fame. - I didn't clap for him when they announced it. - I was hoping they'd catch that on tape. - They didn't. - Later that night, we went to Forty Deuce for Thode's 27th birthday party. - Met Sareet who is as awesome and funny as she is in her blog. - Took a photo of a burlesque dancer (who was flat out AMAZING). - Promptly had a bouncer flash his flashlight in my direction to stop harrassing the dancers - Got a bad sunburn on Venice Beach. See, people from the Midwest rarely see the sun and this is what happens. Thode mentioned she's going to include the picture of my burn as one of her postcard photos, so you can see it there...ow. - Spent time reading the largest display of free speech in the world. This one was pretty good. - On Friday, I met up with 7 of my Chicago friends for a bachelorette party. - Went to Pinz for bowling, where I beat everyone with a mind boggling score of 116. Here's a pic of Erin and I. You can tell she's clearly in awe of my bowling skillz and wanted her photo with the champ. - Went to a club in Hollywood and shook our thangs. - Drove along the Pacific Coast Highway - damn, I love that stretch of road. - Got out of the car and had a picnic in Malibu. The photo below was taken right after lunch and is my favorite of the trip. Somehow I imagine all high school senior photos in California include a shot like this one, but I still think it's nice to have. We're such girls. Friday, April 22, 2005
Conversations overheard in LA...
- (Obnoxious woman talking on her cell phone while the plane taxis): "Make sure to invite Dick Cozy to the meeting." All I could think about is how in the phone book, that guy's name is Cozy, Dick. - Hippie chick telling her boyfriend, "I'm off the soy now." In Chicago, you might be laying off the pork chops or Polish sausage, but you'll never hear someone say they're off the soy. - Venice Beach crazy dude singing, "Day-o, Daaaayyyy-o. Daylight come and me wanna get drunk." Me too, buddy. Me too. Tuesday, April 19, 2005
I have a ridiculously early flight out to LA tomorrow, so I'm packing it in tonight.
I'll be back on Monday night. Photos to come... xoxo. Monday, April 18, 2005
Happy 27th Birthday to my very good friend, Thode! Youngin'.
I'm heading out to LA on Wed. to hang with Thode (Cody) and my old roommate from Detroit, Laura, for a couple of days. I. can't. wait. The night I arrive, a bunch of us are getting together and heading to Forty Deuce to celebrate her birthday, which I'm really stoked about. If we get enough cocktails in us and are dragged up to perform on stage and then they decide how fucking good we are that they offer us high 6-figures to become regulars....I'm just sayin', we can't be responsible for our hot night moves. :: shimmies :: Rest of my weekend will be spent with 8 other girls from Chicago for my friend's bachelorette party. Clearly, it's gonna be a total PG kind of weekend. Sunday, April 17, 2005
So, can anyone tell me what happens if you wear Playtex 18-hour bra longer than 18 hours?
Does that 19th hour just cause them to drop them past your knees? Do you have to throw it away after 18 hours cause it won't work anymore? Could that bra BE any bigger? Saturday, April 16, 2005
So, you may have heard the news ---
Mariah Carey is coming out with a new album. America, we worked so hard together, as a team, to ensure she would go crazy and would never, ever, ever come back. Who fell asleep during their turn to watch her in the asylum?! Friday, April 15, 2005
Every now and then we'll get an email at work announcing a birth in the office. Today, some woman named Joyce and her husband, Benard, had a baby. They named their kid JENARD.
Other rejected names considered included Bernoyce and Joynard. The email noted that Jenard joins two big sisters, "Christyn" and "Bri'ona." There's a fucking APOSTROPHE in the kid's name. Good luck not getting pushed down on the playground, kids! Thursday, April 14, 2005
A woman I work with is quite possibly going into labor right now. At work. She's 2 weeks early, and 4 of us were just crowding around her cube wondering who's gonna take her to the hospital.
We totally just had a "Look Who's Talking" moment. Awesome.
I'm currently sitting in my grey cube trying to eat a Lean Cuisine with a plastic knife, if that's any indication of how my day is going.
Plastic knives are not the new chopstick. Monday, April 11, 2005
Names currently in my cell phone that I have no idea who the hell they are:
- Andrea - Brent - Cindy - Claire - Dave - Dave LA - Gina - Jeff - Jermaine (seriously, did I get a number for a Jackson brother?) - Jim - JoEllen - Joy - Kathleen - Kerry - Margaret - Mark - Marlene - Mick - Mike G. - Mike M. - Nancy - Patty - Tom D. - Tony Part of me just wants to call them and ask "How the hell do I know you again?" It makes me wonder how many cell phones that my number is in and they're wondering, "Who the hell is Megan?" Sunday, April 10, 2005
Last night started off totally normal, but ended at this random Chicago Polish club called Jedynka. I'm pretty sure Jedynka means "steamy nightclub with a slight twang of b.o. in the air."
Ripe. Wednesday, April 06, 2005
So, tonight, Wally was all like, "Hey, guess who I am?"
Wally, doing impressions of the Pope is not funny. People are mourning.
Scandal in Wisconsin. Why didn't I hear about this sooner?!
Monday, April 04, 2005
Edit to add: I am the bright one who wrote his haiku wrong. I typed it in after a few cocktails and nearly at midnight last night, so please pardon the mistake.
So, Fire Eater Coaster boy (as he's become known amongst friends) sent me lilies, which are one of my favorites (who am i kidding, a boy sending ME flowers - they're all my favorites) to me at work today. He called me on Saturday and asked me what my favorite "scent" is. You'd think I'd catch on to what he was up to, but slightly oblivious, I said, "Bounce....I don't know why, but I really love the smell of dryer sheets." He laughed really hard at that. So, today, I get an email from the receptionist, saying I have a special "package" at the front desk. Not only did he send me flowers, but he sent me a little package with it. I opened it, and it was a package of Bounce dryer sheets with a little note on the outside that said, "Open me." Inside was a mini-picture frame with 2 of his haikus he's written in it. Haikus are the new blog, I'm convinced. They're everywhere. But they were very sweet. They read, "She is quite the catch Smart, funny, and beautiful - a wonderful girl" and "I've enjoyed our time and think about you often, as I hope you do." You can commence the puking now. Saturday, April 02, 2005
Prepare yourselves to be amazed and awed at the sheer talent!
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Waverly Films Clip of the Week featuring none other than our own, Thode! :: claps :: Friday, April 01, 2005
Betty R. and me getting our photo booth on at the Joseph Arthur show at the Double Door last night (who was super good, btw).
We had a drunken brawl in the 3rd frame, but by the 4th frame, we were best buds again. |